- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Monte Carlo simulations are among the most powerful tools for obtaining non- perturbative results in quantum field theories. They are used for a wide range of applications in particle-, nuclear-, and condensed matter physics. In these different fields of physics applications Monte Carlo techniques have seen considerable development in recent years. With new ideas, such as rewriting the systems in terms of new degrees of freedom, serious challenges were overcome, for example problems related to the sign problem. Exchanging ideas and discussing new Monte Carlo approaches used in the various communities will certainly speed up the development of the new techniques. More specifically, the central goal of the workshop is to explore recent advances in Monte Carlo methods, especially those that use Monte Carlo sampling of diagrams. Topics we plan to cover in the workshop include:
• Dual Variables (Lattice Field Theories (LFT))
• World-line Methods (LFT, Quantum Spins and Emergent Gauge Fields)
• Diagrammatic, Fermion Bag and Auxiliary Field Methods (Strongly Correlated Fermions, LFT, Nuclear EFT)
• Tensor Networks
These methods are used and developed in the different communities we aim at bringing to the workshop (particle-, nuclear-, and condensed matter physics) and we expect that a systematic exchange and comparison of the techniques will be very beneficial for all of the mentioned fields of application. The proposed topical workshop is a follow-up to a very successful one-week program at the ECT* in Trento organized by the same organizers in October 2015. We are convinced that having this type of exchange among the Monte Carlo practitioners in the different fields on a regular 2-year basis is a major asset for all involved researchers.
The following key participants were invited:
* confirmed