Probing the TeV scale and beyond

MITP seminar room (JGU Campus, Mainz)

MITP seminar room

JGU Campus, Mainz

The end of the first 7 TeV and 8 TeV runs of the LHC have left us with two significant discoveries. The first discovery is of the 126 GeV Higgs boson. This has sharpened our views of nature, placed added emphasis on perturbative theories with low-mass Higgs boson, and abolished the many ideas that had no Higgs boson in the spectrum. The second discovery is that there are no obvious and strong signals of exotic new physics beyond the standard model below this energy scale. This is unexpected since it was assumed that low-mass new physics is required to naturally accommodate the gauge hierarchy. The lack of definitive evidence for new physics and the variety of theoretical possibilities suggests the need to carefully reexamine questions such as the likely scales of new physics and how to look for them at the LHC and at other present and future facilities. The two-year period before the LHC turns on again at higher energy affords the particle physics community an opportunity for such a reevaluation.
Application deadline: 28 February,  2014
Dates of participants
Executive summary
  • alexander kagan
  • Andreas Crivellin
  • Anna Kaminska
  • Bert Schellekens
  • Bohdan Grzadkowski
  • Bryan ZALDIVAR
  • Carlos Wagner
  • Elisabetta Furlan
  • Emilian Dudas
  • Felix Yu
  • Giuliano Panico
  • Hans Peter Nilles
  • Howard Haber
  • Hsin-Chia Cheng
  • Itay Yavin
  • Jacek Pawelczyk
  • James Barnard
  • James Wells
  • Julia Shelton
  • Junji Hisano
  • Jure Zupan
  • Kazuki Sakurai
  • Kiwoon Choi
  • Lawrence Hall
  • Liantao Wang
  • Lorenzo Calibbi
  • Marcela Carena
  • Marcin Badziak
  • Marek Olechowski
  • Mariano Quiros
  • Mirjam Cvetic
  • Paul Langacker
  • Pedro Schwaller
  • Qaisar Shafi
  • Rabindra Mohapatra
  • Roberto Franceschini
  • Seung Lee
  • Stefan Pokorski
  • Stuart Raby
  • Sunghoon Jung
  • Timothy Cohen
  • Ulrich Nierste
  • Yann Mambrini
  • Yevgeny Kats
  • Zurab Berezhiani
  • Zygmunt Lalak
    • 10:30 AM 11:15 AM
      An Exclusive Window onto Higgs Yukawa Couplings 45m
      Speaker: Jure Zupan
    • 11:30 AM 12:15 PM
      Probing light Neutralino Dark Matter at the LHC 45m
      I will discuss the current status of the light neutralino dark matter scenario within the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) taking into account latest results from the LHC. Constraints from the dark matter relic abundance lead us to a manageable simplified model defined by a subset of MSSM parameters, within which we could reinterpret recent searches for electroweak supersymmetric particle production based on events with multi-tau plus missing transverse momentum, performed by the ATLAS collaboration. In this way we could derive stringent constraints on the light neutralino parameter space. In combination with further experimental information from the LHC, in particular the bounds on possible invisible Higgs decays, we obtained a lower bound on the lightest neutralino that is stronger than any current limit set by underground direct dark matter searches or indirect detection experiments.
      Speaker: Lorenzo Callibi
    • 2:30 PM 3:15 PM
      Top quark and new physics 45m
      Speaker: Lucia Masetti
    • 3:30 PM 4:15 PM
      EFT approach to Flavour and Dark Matter 45m
      In this talk I review the effective field theory approach to physics beyond the SM. The effect of new physics can be incorporated in higher dimensional operators which must respect the SM gauge symmetries. As an application I discuss the effects of dim-6 operators in LFV observables and the determination of the CKM elements. This approach can be easily extended to include DM. Here I discuss the RGE evolution of the effective operators assuming that DM is a SM singlet.
      Speaker: Andreas Crivellin
    • 10:30 AM 11:15 AM
      Dark matter, black holes, and the Fermi GeV excess 45m
      The excess of GeV-scale photons observed by the Fermi telescope in the direction of the Galactic Centre is strikingly similar in both rate and spatial distribution to the expectations for annihilating dark matter. I'll discuss dark matter models that can reconcile the Fermi signal with the lack of signals from direct detection and collider experiments. If the Fermi signal is indeed due to dark matter, then the Milky Way's super-massive black hole should give rise to an additional point-source like contribution to the gamma ray signal. The canonical expectation for this point-like source is incompatible with Fermi measurements of the Galactic Centre, and I'll talk about possible astrophysical and particle consequences of this observation.
      Speaker: Jessie Shelton
    • 11:30 AM 12:15 PM
      A Powerful Probe of New Neutrino Currents 45m
      Speaker: Itay Yavin
    • 2:30 PM 3:15 PM
      Recent results on electroweak measurements and searches for new physics at the LHC 45m
      Speaker: Frank Ellinghaus
    • 3:30 PM 4:15 PM
      Emerging Jets From a Dark Sector 45m
      I will discuss a few reasons to go beyond minimal dark matter models, and some theoretical ideas that motivate us to consider a QCD-like dark sector. One characteristic signature of such dark sectors are "emerging jets" that can be reconstructed in the calorimeter but leave few hits in the inner trackers. We propose a new strategy to search for these emerging jets, using their "trackless" feature to discriminate from QCD background. Compared to ordinary multi-jet resonance searches, the sensitivity can be increased by four orders of magnitude or more.
      Speaker: Pedro Schwaller