Patrik Adlarson
(Johannes Gutenberg Universität-Mainz)Dr
Vahe Sokhoyan
(Johannes Gutenberg Universität-Mainz)
One of today’s most pressing question in nuclear physics is the
understanding of the so-called "proton radius puzzle". The puzzle
originates from a striking discrepancy between the electric charge
radius of the proton, extracted from the muonic hydrogen Lamb shift,
compared to measurements based on electron-proton scattering
experiments and atomic transition measurements in electronic
hydrogen. Solving this problem requires experiments
approaching the problem in new ways. To address this puzzle, we will perform a high-
precision measurement of the differential ep-scattering cross section
in the region of low momentum transfer at the Mainz Microtron
(MAMI). To perform this experiment, a new-generation
detector, consisting of a Hydrogen Time Projection Chamber (TPC) and
Forward Tracking System will be constructed, and a new electron
beam line at MAMI will be built. The experimental setup will allow us to
measure the energy and angle of the recoil proton with unprecedented accuracy
as well as the angle of the forward scattered electron. This is a
completely new approach compared to other experiments, which mainly focus on the electron angle.
A test measurement with a TPC prototype will be conducted at MAMI in August 2017, which will serve as
basis for the main experiment.
Primary authors
Patrik Adlarson
(Johannes Gutenberg Universität-Mainz)
Vahe Sokhoyan
(Johannes Gutenberg Universität-Mainz)