Jun 26 – 29, 2017
Schloss Waldthausen
Europe/Berlin timezone

The OLYMPUS Experiment at DESY

Jun 27, 2017, 6:30 PM
1h 30m
Helmholtz-Institut Mainz

Helmholtz-Institut Mainz

Staudingerweg 18, 55128 Mainz
Board: 1


Prof. Michael Kohl (Hampton University)


Hard two-photon exchange has been favored theoretically to explain the previously observed discrepancy in measurements of the elastic proton electric-to-magnetic form factor ratio with polarized and unpolarized methods. Several experiments have been carried out to investigate the effects of two-photon exchange. The OLYMPUS experiment at DESY has been one of three dedicated experiments to use comparisons of positron-proton and electron-proton scattering to unequivocally determine the effects of two-photon exchange. Results from the OLYMPUS experiment will be presented. This work has been supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation and Department of Energy.

Primary author

Prof. Michael Kohl (Hampton University)

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