Jun 26 – 29, 2017
Schloss Waldthausen
Europe/Berlin timezone

Measurement of $e^+ e^- \rightarrow K^+ K^-$ cross section at $E_{cm} = 2.0 - 3.08$ GeV

Jun 27, 2017, 6:30 PM
1h 30m
Helmholtz-Institut Mainz

Helmholtz-Institut Mainz

Staudingerweg 18, 55128 Mainz
Board: 8


Mr Dong Liu (USTC)


The cross section of the $e^+e^-\to K^+K^-$ process is measured with data samples collected with Beijing Spectrometer (BESIII) at $\sqrt{s} = 2.00 - 3.08$ GeV. The results are consistent with those of BaBar and with better precision. A structure near $2.2$ GeV is observed with mass $2229.8 \pm 5.3_{stat} \pm 17.2_{syst}$ MeV and width $143.7 \pm 12.0_{stat} \pm 7.8_{syst}$ MeV. The kaon form factor is extracted from $\sigma(e^+e^-\to K^+K^-)$ and compared with theoretical prediction.

Primary author

Mr Dong Liu (USTC)

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