Jun 26 – 29, 2017
Schloss Waldthausen
Europe/Berlin timezone

X(3915) as a tensor D*D* molecule

Jun 29, 2017, 2:25 PM
Schloss Waldthausen

Schloss Waldthausen

Im Wald 1<br /> 55257 Budenheim


Alexey Nefediev (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)


Two-photon decays of a tensor D*D* molecule are studied and the suggested approach is applied to the X(3915) charmoniumlike state under the assumption of the latter being a 2++ molecule - a spin partner of the X(3872). It is argued that the existing experimental data disfavour such an identification of this state. Therefore, it is suggested that either the X(3915) has a different exotic nature or it has to be identified as a scalar.

Primary author

Alexey Nefediev (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)


Prof. Christoph Hanhart (Forschungszentrum Juelich) Dr Vadim Baru (Bochum University)

Presentation materials