25 May 2017 to 2 June 2017
Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University
Europe/Berlin timezone

Non-relativistic QED in different gauges

31 May 2017, 14:30
02.430 (Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University)


Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University

Staudingerweg 9 / 2nd floor, 55128 Mainz


Dr Wojciech Dybalski (Technische Universität München)


One consequence of local gauge symmetry in QED is the conservation of the spacelike asymptotic flux of the electric field. It is an old conjecture that this quantity depends on the gauge fixing in the quantization procedure. In this talk I will discuss this problem in a non-relativistic model of QED. I will show how to pass from the usual Coulomb gauge to the axial gauge, compute the flux in both cases and give arguments in favour of the above conjecture.

Presentation materials