Yvonne Kohl
(Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Institut für Kernphysik)
1/26/15, 5:03 PM
The electromagnetic form factors of light nuclei provide a sensitive test of our understanding of nuclei. The deuteron in particular, as the only bound two-nucleon system, is a fundamental system that has received extensive attention in the past, by both theory and experiment. Because the deuteron has spin one, three form factors are needed to fully describe the electromagnetic structure of...
Anna Skachkova
(PhD research fellow)
1/26/15, 5:06 PM
The modeling of direct photons production in collisions of antiproton beam with the proton target "p pbar --> gamma + X" is done for the beam energy E_{beam} = 15 GeV using the simulation with PYTHIA6.4 generator and PandaRoot package. Our modeling is performed using two subprocesses: a) quark-antiquark annihilation into a photon and a gluon and b) of gluon-quark scattering leading to a...
Jana Crkovska
(Czech Technical University in Prague)
1/26/15, 5:12 PM
Relativistic collisions of heavy ions produce a hot and dense matter similar to what existed in primordial Universe - the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP).
The hadronic collective flow was found to be one of the most pronounced signatures of the QGP.
Comparison of experimental data at RHIC energies with different hydrodynamical models revealed that the produced matter is not an ideal gas of quarks...
Maria Isabel Ferretti Bondy
(Institut für Kernphysik - JGU Mainz)
1/26/15, 5:15 PM
The charge distribution of nuclei is known with very high accuracy, i.e. in electron scattering experiments, conversely, the mass distribution is experimentally less accessible and therefore less precisely known. An accurate determination of the neutron density distribution is of particular interest. Especially in nuclei with N >> Z, a strong neutron skin is expected, since the excess...
Rafal Lalik
1/26/15, 5:21 PM
Hadron Physics
The production of baryons at 3:5 GeV kinetic energy has been studied at HADES
in elementary proton-proton and heavier proton-Niobium reactions. Resonant
and non-resonant contributions to the total production spectrum have been
considered also employing several exclusive analyses from the same reaction. In
particular, the role played by intermediate resonances as , ++ or N to
Katarina Gajdosova
(Czech Technical University in Prague)
1/26/15, 5:24 PM
Properties of Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) are being studied in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). One of the experimental probes that enable us to reveal the properties of the hot and dense strongly interacting medium are heavy quarks, such as $c$ and $b$. These quarks are created during the early stages of heavy-ion collisions and therefore...
Jan Haas
(Univ. Giessen)
1/26/15, 5:30 PM
Hadron Physics
The functional approach of Dyson-Schwinger and Bethe-Salpeter
Equations (DSE/BSE) allows us to investigate nonperturbative
properties of QCD.
We use this to study the Hadronic Vacuum Polarization contribution
to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, extending previous
calculations by including isospin symmetry breaking.
Carlo Gustavino
(INFN-Sezione di Roma)
1/26/15, 5:33 PM
LUNA (Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics) is the only ion accelerator in the world operating underground. The measurements are presently performed with the 400 kV machine operating at the "Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso" (LNGS). This accelerator is mainly devoted to study reaction that regulate the hydrogen burning in stars and in the abundance of lighth isotopes produced...
Zara Bagdasarian
(Forschungszentrum Jülich)
1/26/15, 5:36 PM
Hadron Physics
The analysing power in proton-proton (pp) elastic scattering has been measured at small angles for six beam energies between 0.7 and 2.4 GeV using a polarised proton beam and unpolarised proton internal target at COSY-ANKE. The new experimental ANKE results close an important gap in the database of polarised pp elastic scattering.
The analysing power results at 796 MeV agree very well with...
Oleksandar Tomalak
1/26/15, 5:39 PM
The measured value of the proton charge radius from the Lamb shift of energy levels in muonic hydrogen is in strong contradiction, by 7-8 standard deviations, with the value obtained with electronic hydrogen spectroscopy and the value extracted from the unpolarized electron-proton scattering data. The precise determination of the proton radius from scattering experiments requires the account...