Jan 26 – 30, 2015
Bormio, Italy
Europe/Berlin timezone

Exploring Lambda production in low-energy p-p reactions at HADES

Jan 26, 2015, 5:21 PM
Bormio, Italy

Bormio, Italy

Poster Hadron Physics Monday Afternoon


Mr Rafal Lalik (TUM)


The production of baryons at 3:5 GeV kinetic energy has been studied at HADES in elementary proton-proton and heavier proton-Niobium reactions. Resonant and non-resonant contributions to the total production spectrum have been considered also employing several exclusive analyses from the same reaction. In particular, the role played by intermediate resonances as , ++ or N to the inclusive production has been considered. In addition, it was shown that the phase-space production of pK+ channel does not describe the experimental data measured for this nal state and appropriate PartialWave Analysis (PWA) was carried out. In this poster we are presenting results of total inclusive analysis in com- parison to exclusive channels. Pinning down of all contributions will help in tuning transport models (GiBUU and UrQMD) as well will serve as important input to understand the production mechanism of in heavier Niobium sys- tems. Result of this model will also help to understand future HADES physics at SIS100 at FAIR.

Primary author

Mr Rafal Lalik (TUM)

Presentation materials