26 May 2015 to 12 June 2015
Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics<br>Johannes Gutenberg University
Europe/Berlin timezone

Yangian invariant scattering amplitudes as unitary matrix integrals

27 May 2015, 11:00
02.430 (Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics<br>Johannes Gutenberg University)


Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics<br>Johannes Gutenberg University

Staudingerweg 9 / 2<sup>nd</sup> floor 55128 Mainz


Matthias Staudacher


I show how to derive the deformed Yangian invariant tree level amplitudes from the quantum inverse scattering method. The construction naturally leads to deformed Graßmannian contour integrals. The novelty of our construction is that the contours are fixed from the beginning. In the split helicity case the contours correspond to the manifolds of the unitary groups, and the contour integration is just invariant Haar integration. The resulting integrals are analytic functions of the deformation parameters as long as the scattering data is generic, i.e. stays away from collinear configurations. This is joint work with Nils Kanning and Yumi Ko.

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