In this talk, I will discuss about the infrared limits of QCD beyond leading power.
I'll motivate the interest for studying this subject both as a tool to deepen our understanding of the infrared structure of gauge theory amplitudes and cross sections in the soft, collinear and Regge limit as well as to improve predictions for collider observables.
I'll explore the ingredients of factorization beyond leading power in SCET in momentum space, constructing subleading hard scattering operators and radiative jet and soft functions for processes such as Higgs production and Drell-Yan.
I'll introduce new subleading power gauge invariant objects, the θ-jet and θ-soft functions, which arise in the renormalization of subleading power operators and employ them to discuss the resummation of collinear and soft logarithms beyond leading power for a collider observable in QCD.
I'll give an overview of the work on perturbative power corrections to differential distributions for color singlet production at hadron colliders, which are crucial to systematically improve differential predictions for the LHC using qt and N-Jettiness subtraction.
I'll analyze subtleties related to the regularization of rapidity divergences beyond leading power and show an elegant resolution with the employment of a new regulator, the pure rapidity regulator.
Finally, I will talk about the Regge limit beyond leading power both at the amplitude and at the cross section level. I'll discuss the construction of a Lagrangian formalism for the treatment of fermion mediated forward scattering processes in QCD and applying it to obtain the quark reggeization and BFKL resummation.