Jan 23 – 27, 2023
Bormio, Italy
Europe/Berlin timezone

Synthesis of light nuclei in hadronic collisions

Jan 23, 2023, 11:10 AM
Bormio, Italy

Bormio, Italy

Overview Talk Monday Morning


Harald Appelshäuser (Univ. Frankfurt)


Light-nuclei production yields in heavy-ion collisions are well described in the frameworkof Statistical Hadronization Models (SHM) but a thorough understanding of the underlying dynamics is still missing. In a complementary approach, synthesis of light nuclei can be modeled in terms of final state coalescence of nucleons. While yielding an equally good description in heavy-ion collisions, coalescence predictions are substantially different to those from SHM in small collision systems, in particular for the loosely bound hypertriton. This should allow a firm distinction of the different production scenarios. Comprehensive data on light nuclei production in pp and p-Pb collisions became recently available from the ALICE collaboration and will be presented in this talk.

Alternatively, the dynamics of nuclear cluster formation may also be inferred from final-state momentum correlations of nucleons and light nuclei. A powerful framework for correlation analyses of final-state hadrons was developed in ALICE, yielding unique information on the characteristics of the hadron-emitting source and, more notable, on the mutual interaction between them. This so-called femtoscopy technique was recently applied to final-state momentum correlations between protons and deuterons, emerging from high-multiplicity pp collisions. The correlation results will be compared to predictions based on experimental scattering parameters and put into perspective with the available data on light nuclei and hypertriton production.

Topic Heavy Ion Physics

Primary author

Harald Appelshäuser (Univ. Frankfurt)

Presentation materials