Built around the concepts of boundary and defect in QFT, this Scientific Program will provide a stimulating framework where addressing fundamental questions from a wide spectrum of perspectives. The main scientific goals are to stimulate interactions and cross-field collaborations, and set an agenda for future research in the following main subjects:
Formal/theoretical area:
Classification of (super)conformal field theories with boundaries and defects via the classification of (super)conformal boundary conditions.
Use of tools like supersymmetry, integrability and conformal bootstrap to constrain and classify QFTs with boundaries and defects.
Quantum anomalies in the presence of boundaries and defects and their classification.
Dualities between BCFTs and DCFTs in various dimensions.
Dimensional flows in the presence of boundary/defect and role of the parent higher dimensional QFT in constraining the lower dimensional BCFT/DCFT.
Renormalization Group flows and generalization of c-theorems in the presence of boundaries/defects.
Renormalization Group interfaces/domain walls and their selection rules.
Role of BCFT/DCFT in string theory and holography to reveal novel phenomena.
Applied area:
Classification of topological insulators with the use of BCFT.
Novel approaches to the calculation of entanglement entropy using DCFT.
Use of DCFT to reveal the phase diagram of dense QCD with heavy quark impurities.
Applications of c-theorems of BCFT/DCFT to experimental systems.
Investigation of promising novel applications (ex: graphene, topological insulators).