Volker Metag
(II. Physikalisches Insititut)
Chiral model calculations, assuming a partial restoration of chiral symmetry in a nuclear medium, predict modifications of meson properties within nuclei. An overview will be given on current experiments studying in-medium properties of mesons and the meson-nucleus interaction to extract meson-nucleus potentials. The real part of the meson nucleus potential describes whether the interaction is attractive or repulsive while the imaginary part is a measure for the meson absorption in nuclei. The real part of the potential can be determined by comparing measured meson momentum distributions or excitation functions with collision model or transport model calculations. The imaginary part is extracted from transparency ratio measurements. Results on K+, K0, K-, η, η’, ω, and ϕ mesons turn out to be largely consistent with chiral model predictions. In view of the potential parameters, the criteria and chances for observing meson-nucleus bound states will be discussed. The most promising candidates appear to be the
K-,η and η’ meson.
Primary author
Volker Metag
(II. Physikalisches Insititut)