Oct 15 – 19, 2017
Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
Europe/Berlin timezone

Recirculating linear accelerators with energy recovery (ERLs) are a concept to efficiently re-use the RF power feed to the accelerating cavities. Compared to ring accelerators, ERLs have only a small number of passings through the cavities, leading to a very small emittance and a superior beam quality while still providing large current in the recirculation.

A large fraction of the beam can be used for internal target experiments, making the concept of ERLs ideally suited for precision experiments in hadron- and nuclear physics.

Currently, several ERLs are just starting operation or are under construction. Since the internal target experiments are an integral part of the accelerator, this seminar is intended to bring together the experts from accelerator physics and the corresponding nuclear experiments to discuss the new possibilities opened by these accelerators.

The Seminar is generously founded by the WE-Heraeus Foundation.

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
Hauptstraße 5<br> D-53604 Bad Honnef