Carsten Greiner
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
One of the big uncertainties in extracting the transport coefficients
by comparing the experimental data from
A+A or p+A collisions to the results from relativistic dissipative
fluid dynamics is the applicability of
fluid dynamics in describing the evolution of such small systems. We
investigate the applicability of fluid dynamics
by comparing fluid-dynamical calculations to the solutions of the
Boltzmann equation. We study several
different systems by varying the system size and the underlying
microscopic cross section. In particular, we
analyze the space-time evolution of the energy density, number
density, and velocity fields. Furthermore, we
investigate different freeze-out conditions and the applicability of
fluid dynamics, with dissipative corrections
to the particle distribution function at freeze-out, in describing the
final particle spectra and flow coefficients
in p+p, p+A and A+A collisions.
Primary author
Carsten Greiner
(Goethe University Frankfurt)