Vincent Schipperges
(Universität Tübingen)
CRESST is a direct detection dark matter experiment located in Italy at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. The target used consists of scintillating CaWO4 crystals operated at low mK temperatures. Phonon and light signals are used for particle discrimination. For the ongoing data taking of CRESST-III, starting in 2016, an unprecedented energy threshold of below 100 eV was achieved.
Results from CRESST-II and CRESST-III set the most constraining limits in the field for spin-independent interaction and low dark matter masses in the sub-GeV/c$^2$ and the low GeV/c$^2$ mass region.
In order to account for more exotic dark matter models, possible momentum dependences of the interaction, and differences between target materials, data from CRESST-II has been reanalyzed using a more general effective field theory (EFT) approach instead of the standard differentiation between spin-independent and spin-dependent interaction.
Primary author
Vincent Schipperges
(Universität Tübingen)