Aug 6 – 25, 2017
Erbacher Hof
Europe/Berlin timezone

The Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics hosts a summer school for Ph.D. students in theoretical physics. Attendance will be limited to 50-60 students, who will be hosted at the Erbacher Hof in downtown Mainz.

Confirmed lecturers and lecture series titles:

Evgeny Akhmedov (MPI Heidelberg) - Neutrino Phenomenology
Nima Arkani-Hamed (IAS) - Collider Physics from the Bottom Up
Matthias Bartelmann (U. of Heidelberg) - Lambda CDM and Early Universe Cosmology
Brian Batell (U. of Pittsburgh) - Laboratory Probes of Dark Matter and Neutrinos
David Morrissey (TRIUMF/U. of Victoria) - CP Violation and the Baryogenesis Puzzle
Stefania Gori (U. of Cincinnati) - Beyond the Standard Model Phenomenology
Christophe Grojean (DESY/Humboldt U. Berlin) - Standard Model, Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, and the Higgs Boson
Andreas Ringwald (DESY) - Axions and Axion-Like Particles
Tracy Slatyer (MIT) - CMB and Astrophysical Probes of Dark Matter
LianTao Wang (U. of Chicago) - Dark Matter at the Collider
Neal Weiner (NYU) - Dark Matter Model Building
with a special lecture by
Thomas Konstandin (DESY) - Gravitational Waves


Erbacher Hof
Akademie & Tagungszentrum des Bistums Mainz Grebenstr. 24-26, 55116 Mainz

Organized by Joachim Kopp (JGU Mainz), Felix Yu (JGU Mainz), Anna Kaminska (JGU Mainz), Maikel de Vries (JGU Mainz) and Matthias Neubert (JGU Mainz).

Equal opportunity officer: Joachim Kopp (JGU Mainz).