Eirik Eik Svanes
I will begin by reviewing some recent developments in the heterotic moduli problem, both for six and seven dimensional compactifications to SU(3) and G2 structure manifolds respectively. After a brief overview of the infinitesimal (massless) moduli of six dimensional compactifications, I turn to the corresponding seven dimensional story. There are many similarities between the two situations, but also crucial differences that I will expand upon. Finally, I will report on some recent progress in understanding the finite deformations of six dimensional heterotic compactifications. We will see that the Maurer-Cartan equation of the corresponding differentially graded Lie algebra can be understood as the equation of motion of an effective theory derived from the heterotic superpotential. This effective theory has features which combine and generalise aspects of both Holomorphic Chern-Simons and Kodaira-Spencer theory.
Primary author
Eirik Eik Svanes