Sep 18 – 23, 2016
Abtei Frauenwörth
Europe/Berlin timezone

Program Description

This summer school is tailored for PhD students of physics and nuclear physics.
It focuses on the status of research in the fields of

  • Experimental Particle Physics
  • Theoretical Particle Physics
  • Mathematical Physics
  • Cosmology
  • News from CERN 

Our scientific program starts on Monday, Sept. 19 at 8:45 and ends on Friday, Sept. 23 in the afternoon.

Confirmed speakers are:

Flavor Physics - Wolfgang Altmannshofer (University of Cinicinnati/USA )

Cosmology - Matthias Bartelmann (University of Heidelberg/Germany)

Amplitudes - Claude Duhr (UC Louvain/Belgium)

Evening Talk - Eckhard Elsen (CERN Director, Geneva/Switzerland)

Physics at the LHC - Andreas Hoecker (CERN-ATLAS group, Geneva/Switzerland)

BSM - David E. Kaplan (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore/USA)

Lattice Gauge Theory - Andreas Kronfeld (Fermilab, Batavia/USA)

Detector Physics - Wolfgang Kühn (University of Giessen/Germany)

Neutrino Physics (Theory) - Walter Winter (DESY Hamburg/Germany)

Monday through Friday morning and on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoon we will have lectures.

PhD students will give talks about their research in parallel sessions on Thursday afternoon.
Also, we will go on an excursion to explore the lovely Chiemgau region on Wednesday afternoon.

A schedule can be downloaded from the overview page.