Jun 24 – 28, 2024
MITP - Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Europe/Berlin timezone

General Information

Main scientific goals for the workshop:

Chiral EFT developments

  • Discuss recent developments in Chiral EFT/many-body methods and the consequent improvement in describing observables of interest.
  • Strategies to develop more reliable EFT-based Hamiltonians, especially for studies of medium-mass and heavy nuclei and infinite nuclear matter.
  • Development of modified Weinberg power countings and renormalization group invariance of nuclear observales. Through the developments, can we see an acceleration of the EFT convergence? 
  • Explore new emulator techniques and statistical tools that facilitate uncertainty quantification in nuclear science, including emulator uncertainties.
  • How can machine learning be leveraged to take full advantage of nuclear data?

From nuclei to nuclear matter

  • Discuss current results (and uncertainties) of PREX/CREX experiment, and prospects of MREX. How can ab~initio many-body theory help construct improved energy density functionals?
  • Analyze possible explanation of the discrepancy between theory and experiment, the consequent challenges for the nuclear structure theory, and the future experiment proposal. How can we use ab~initio many-body theory combined with emulators to help design next-generation experiments aimed at maximizing the scientific output?
  • How can we take advantage of the new Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), GSI, RIKEN, TRIUMF and etc.?

Neutrino-nucleus interactions

  • Prospects for emulators for observables relevant for neutrino physics (matrix elements, sum-rules, nuclear responses)
  • Uncertainty quantification for observables at high (a few hundreds of MeV) momentum transfers
  • Importance of consistency between nuclear Hamiltonians and many-body currents (discuss the RG invariance in the description of electroweak processes).
  • Strategies to address open-shell medium-mass and heavy nuclei relevant for 0nubb experiments. How to assess various sources of uncertainties? 

Organized by Christian Drischler (Ohio Univ.), Weiguang Jiang (JGU Mainz), Takayuki Miyagi (TU Darmstadt), and Joanna Sobczyk (JGU Mainz, Diversity Coordinator).

MITP seeks to bring together physicists with common scientific interests for discussions and collaborations. One-week topical workshops offer the opportunity to concentrate on a specific topic in a comprehensive schedule. Up to 30 scientists may participate in the workshop. Workshops usually take place on campus to enable contacts to physicists from local research groups.
MITP offers all its participants office space and access to computing facilities during their stay. In addition, MITP will cover local housing expenses for accepted participants. The MITP team will be happy to arrange the accommodation according to the individual needs of the participants.

More detailed information on the logistics will be provided by email as the workshop approaches. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.