Jun 24 – 28, 2024
MITP - Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Europe/Berlin timezone

The studies of the nucleonic systems and the nuclear interaction reveal key scientific connections between phenomena on microscopic and macroscopic scales: from the Standard Model of particle physics and nuclear reactions leading to the creation of the elements, to the equation of state of nuclear matter and neutron stars observed via multimessenger astronomy. Precise and accurate predictions of nuclear observables are called for, along the way. With technological advances and theoretical improvements, nuclear physics is progressively entering a precision era that benefits such studies. In order to improve theoretical explanations and find new experimental designs, assessment of both experimental and theoretical uncertainties is essential. Thus the community of nuclear scientists is working towards the quantification and reduction of uncertainties using different approaches.

The workshop will focus on discussing the challenges and opportunities of this endeavor from different perspectives, including recent progress in chiral effective field theory, many-body theory, and new emulator techniques that facilitate uncertainty quantification. We want to pay special attention to the applications of Bayesian approaches which offer a better framework to deal with uncertainties in nuclear physics.
We aim at providing the community with a forum to learn about new computational tools or ideas from other subfields, so that these can be transferred across subfields and applied to other scientific problems. Among physics questions that require precise nuclear predictions, we plan to address electroweak interactions, tests of fundamental symmetries, as well as the location of neutron dripline across the nuclear chart and the determination of equation of state of nuclear matter.

MITP - Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
2413/2-430 - MITP Seminar Room
Staudingerweg 9 / 2nd floor, 55128 Mainz
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Organized by Christian Drischler (Ohio Univ.), Weiguang Jiang (JGU Mainz), Takayuki Miyagi (TU Darmstadt), and Joanna Sobczyk (JGU Mainz, Diversity Coordinator).

MITP supports equal opportunities in science.