Dec 12 – 13, 2022
Schloss Hohentübingen
Europe/Berlin timezone

Meeting venue

How to arrive at the meeting venue

The meeting venue can only be reached by foot which will take around 20 minutes from the main station.

Starting from the Tübingen main station (you will be standing in the middle of a giant construction site when leaving the station) you have to keep right and you will find the central bus station on your left. Behind it turn left, then right and finally left again and you will see a bridge across the river in front of you. Walk past the bridge and turn left behind the bridge.

In case you do not start from the main station you can take the bus and get out at "Neckarbrücke", which is directly on the bridge (most of the bus lines will get you there). 

Follow the small street until you reach the top of the hill and turn left where you will find a large cathedral on your left and a small fountain ahead of you. Follow the street (do not turn at the fountain) until it splits up. Take the left street which is heading up a hill until you reach a crossing. Take the street on the right which is heading further up the hill. Then you will reach the castle.

You will recognize when you are there :)


In case you arrive by car

You can choose one of several parking lots around the city center and walk from there.

On the following website you will find a list :