Public transport from Mainz Hauptbahnhof
By trains and from the airports, you will arrive in Mainz at the main station "Hauptbahnhof". When leaving the main station, the tram station is in front of you. One-way tickets can be bought at a machine next to the bus stop. From there, take either Tram 51 or 53 towards „Lerchenberg“. Leave the tram at the stop "Friedrich-von-Pfeiffer-Weg" (one stop after "Universität"). When in doubt, please consult the timetable. Tram Route from "Hauptbahnhof A" (Main Station) to "Friedrich-von-Pfeiffer-Weg" (use Line 51 or 53).
Institute of Physics
To reach the conference building, follow the tram tracks west up to the next left turn, then walk south until you arrive at Staudingerweg 7. It is the building on your right with the white handrails.
The meeting will take place in the Medienraum (room number 03-431). Take the elevator to the third floor and follow the signs.
Arrival by Car
From the west (i.e. from direction Bonn/Cologne)
- Travel autobahn A 60 crossing "Autobahn-Dreieck Mainz" direction Darmstadt.
- Leave autobahn A 60 at exit "Mainz-Finthen".
- Follow the street sign "Saarstraße/Innenstadt" straight ahead through the traffic circle "Europaplatz".
- Take the exit "Universität".
From the east (i.e. from direction Würzburg/Darmstadt)
- Travel on the autobahn A 60 crossing "Autobahn-Dreieck Rüsselsheim" OR travel autobahn A 63 crossing "Autobahnkreuz Mainz" to get to autobahn A 60 direction Bingen.
- Leave the autobahn A 60 at exit "Mainz-Finthen".
- Follow the street sign "Saarstraße/Innenstadt" straight ahead through the traffic circle "Europaplatz".
- Take exit "Universität".
From the north (i.e. from direction Kassel)
- Follow the autobahn A 66.
- At "Schiersteiner Kreuz" change to autobahn A 643 direction Mainz.
- Follow the autobahn A 643 to "Autobahn-Dreieck Mainz" and change here to autobahn A 60 direction Darmstadt.
- Leave the autobahn A 60 at exit "Mainz-Finthen".
- Follow the street sign "Saarstraße/Innenstadt" straight ahead through the traffic circle "Europaplatz".
To enter the campus by car and parking is in general restricted. However, the automated barrier at Ackermannweg allows one access per week, so you should be fine. If not, the guards should let you in anyway if you state your purpose. Please park your car on the slot south from the Institute of Physics.