August 28, 2023 to September 8, 2023
MITP - Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Europe/Berlin timezone

In the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model, theorists increasingly rely on Effective Field Theory (EFT) to interpret experimental observations. Driven by the growing experimental sensitivity of several experiments at the intensity frontier and by the recent development of new theoretical and computational techniques, EFT has become an essential framework in any phenomenological study. 

New theoretical techniques have arisen in the past years, providing genuine advancements in the field and more pristine and accessible frameworks. Furthermore, new tools have been developed that automate well-understood but computationally demanding parts of EFT analyses, each forming a link in the chain that is a complete analysis. As the various tools and techniques are reaching maturity, the time is ripe to move part of the focus to better cross-integration of the different parts, which have been developed independently.

The aim of the Scientific Program is to bring the EFT theory community together to discuss recent developments in EFT methods and tools and to kick-start work towards better integration of the various tools into a single software suite. The program will include plenty of time for further discussion among participants and for pursuing new ideas sparked during the talks. The program aims at facilitating a better understanding of the latest theoretical developments, with emphasis on the possible integration into software packages, and establishing better interfaces among the various EFT tools.

MITP - Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
2413/2-430 - MITP Seminar Room
Staudingerweg 9 / 2nd floor, 55128 Mainz
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Organized by Javier Fuentes Martin (Granada Univ.), Anders Eller Thomsen (Bern Univ., Diversity Coordinator), Adrián Carmona Bermudez (Granada Univ.), Jason Aebischer (Zürich Univ.) and Claudia Cornella (JGU Mainz). 

MITP supports equal opportunities in science.