Nov 14 – 18, 2022
Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University
Europe/Berlin timezone

Topical Workshop

The Topical Workshop aims at pursuing and continuing the work started during a previous MITP Topical Workshop in 2018 by deepening several relevant issues. Our goals will be:

  • To assess the state of the art of NLO and NNLO precision radiative corrections to μe scattering in order to plan the theoretical progress required to reach the necessary precision;

  • To discuss the experimental challenges facing the extraction of the hadronic contribution to the running of the electromagnetic coupling constant in the μe scattering process at MUonE;

  • To draw the roadmap leading to the production and validation of a reliable Monte Carlo program able to extract the hadronic contributsion to the muon anomalous magnetic moment from the MUonE experiment in a robust and unambiguous way.

The success of our previous MITP Topical Workshop and the fast progress of the MUonE project in the last couple of years make us confident that also this new 2022 workshop will be a very successful one.