Jan 23 – 27, 2023
Bormio, Italy
Europe/Berlin timezone

Exploring the strong interaction in three-body systems at the LHC

Jan 27, 2023, 5:40 PM
Bormio, Italy

Bormio, Italy

Short Contribution Friday Afternoon


Bhawani Singh (Technical University of Munich)


In the journey to explore the strong interaction among hadrons, ALICE has for the first time flared out its femtoscopic studies to nuclei. The large data sample of high-multiplicity pp collisions
√s = 13 TeV allows the measurement of the proton-deuteron (p-d) momentum correlations.
The femtoscopic study of such systems opens the door to investigate the interaction in three-body systems as well as formation mechanism of the light nuclei in hadron-hadron collisions.
In this contribution, the measured momentum correlation function for p-d is presented. The measured p-d correlation shows a shallow depletion at low relative momenta while the model calculation which assume the interaction of two point-like particles shows a clear discrepancy with respect to the data. This discrepancy can be resolved by employing a full three body wave function that accounts for the internal structure of the deuteron including all relevant partial waves and quantum statistical effects. This demonstrates that the study of correlations among light nuclei provides access to the details of the many-body system’s wave function at the LHC.

Topic Fundamental Interactions

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