The LUNA collaboration has recently completed the measurement of the D(p,γ)3He cross section at Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) energies with unprecedented precision. The study of this deuterium-burning process provides a precise determination of the universal baryon density Ωb, in excellent agreement with the value derived from CMB. The new data also provide a stringent constrain the possible existence of "dark radiation", i.e. the existence of relativistic particles not foreseen in the standard model, such as sterile neutrinos or hot axions [1,2]. Finally, the LUNA measurement provides an experimental footing for recent ab-initio calculations [3,4]. The implications in cosmology and particle physics are discussed in this talk. It will be also shown the good agreement of data with respect to recent ab initio calculation concerning the total and differential D(p,γ)3He cross section.
[1] V. Mossa. et al.:
"The baryon density of the Universe from an improved rate of deuterium burning".
NATURE 587, 210 (2020).
[2] E. Di Valentino et al.:
"Probing nuclear rates with Planck and BICEP2".
arXiv:1910.10459v1 [nucl-ex] (23 October 2019).
[3] Pisa theoretical group:
“Differential cross section of the 2H(p,gamma)3He using a chiral effective field theory approach”
(in preparation)
[4] LUNA Collaboration:
“Measurement of the Differential cross section of the 2H(p,gamma)3He at 32 < Ecm[keV] < 263”
(in preparation)
Topic | Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics |