Sep 17 – 19, 2018
Hörsaalzentrum Physik/Mathematik/Chemie
Europe/Berlin timezone




Astroparticle Physics in Germany (formerly known as "Zeuthen Workshop") has been a lively, about bi-annual, workshop for two decades. It brings together the diverse community of astroparticle physics in Germany, covering topics from the high-energy universe to neutrinos and dark matter, from gravitational waves to nuclear astrophysics, including highlights from neighbouring fields. Contributions range across experiments, observations, and theory. Next to the exchange of new ideas and  the presentation of results and progress, this workshop series also includes the discussion of future plans and strategies. Complemetary to the specific annual KAT strategy workshop for group leaders, this community workshop is of broader scope and is especially addressed to the younger astroparticle physicists. The format of the workshop comprises invited plenary talks as well as posters, with a dedicated poster session and poster prizes.

group picture with high resolution

Scientific Organizing Committee                            

Committee for Astroparticle Physics (KAT)
Chair: Christian Weinheimer
Co-chair: Andreas Haungs

Matthias Bartelmann Thomas Hebbeker Martin Pohl
Johannes Bluemer Uli Katz Elisa Resconi
Karsten Danzmann Michael Klasen Stefan Schoenert
Roland Diehl Manfred Lindner Christian Stegmann
Martin Erdmann Yuri Litvinov Stefan Wagner
Stefan Funk Lothar Oberauer Kai Zuber
Caren Hagner Uwe Oberlack Sebastian Böser



Local Organizing Committee                            

Sebastian Böser, Uwe Oberlack (chairs)
Melanie Scheibelhut
Jan Weldert
Kira Karabut
Katarina Marić



Registration: 03.09.2018
Abstract submission: 27.08.2018
Accomodation pre-reservation expiry date: 20.08.2018

Hörsaalzentrum Physik/Mathematik/Chemie
Building 2321
Duesbergweg 10-14 55128 Mainz