Jun 4 – 15, 2018
International Center for the Scientific Culture, Villa Orlandi, Anacapri (Island of Capri), Italy
Europe/Berlin timezone

The early LHC data have stimulated theorists to look for entirely new directions in physics beyond the SM, while abandoning some of the old scenarios. This Scientific Program is dedicated to reflecting on the theoretical motivation of new physics and exploring radically new theoretical concepts for the current data-driven era of particle and astroparticle physics. This encompasses the theory and phenomenology underlying searches at the LHC, but also in flavour physics experiments, low-energy precision experiments, as well as astrophysical and cosmological observations. Particular emphasis will be placed on extensions of the Standard Model featuring light or very weakly coupled new particles.

The Scientific Program is connected to the Seventh edition of the International Workshop on Theory, Phenomenology and Experiments in Flavour Physics: The future of BSM physics, organized by the University of Naples Federico II and INFN, which will be held in the same location, on June 8-10th, 2018, see FPCapri2018. ​

The theoretical MITP program and the workshop have common goals, that is to interpret the results coming from a wide range of experiments, and to formulate a coherent framework to account for them. The workshop is addressed to theoreticians as well as experimentalists. Accepted participants of the MITP program are automatically registered for the workshop. Other than this, MITP will provide as much unstructured time as possible for discussions, brain storming and new collaborations.


International Center for the Scientific Culture, Villa Orlandi, Anacapri (Island of Capri), Italy

Organized by Gian Giudice (CERN), Giulia Ricciardi (Univ. Naples), Tobias Hurth (JGU Mainz), Joachim Kopp (JGU Mainz) and Matthias Neubert (JGU Mainz).

MITP supports equal opportunities in science.