22–26 Jan 2018
Bormio, Italy
Europe/Berlin timezone

Decays of Vector Glueball in a Chiral Approach

22 Jan 2018, 17:33
Bormio, Italy

Bormio, Italy

Poster Hadron Physics Monday Afternoon


Ms Julia Sammet (Goethe University Frankfurt)


We calculate two- and three-body decays of the (lightest) vector glueball into (pseudo)scalar, (axial-)vector, as well as pseudovector and excited vector mesons in the framework of an effective model of QCD. While absolute values of widths cannot be predicted because the corresponding coupling constants are unknown, some interesting branching ratios can be evaluated by setting the mass of the yet hypothetical vector glueball to 3.8 GeV as predicted by quenched Lattice QCD. We find that the decay mode ωππ should be one of the largest (both through the decay chain Ob1π ωππ and through the direct coupling Oωππ). Similarly, the (direct and indirect) decay into πKK(892) is sizable. Moreover, the decays into ρπ and K(892)K are, although subleading, possible and could play a role in explaining the ρπ puzzle of the charmonium state ψ(2S) thank to a (small) mixing with the vector glueball. The vector glueball can be directly formed at the ongoing BESIII experiment as well as at the future PANDA experiment at the FAIR facility. [PRD 95, 11.4004 (2017)][1] [1]: https://journals.aps.org/prd/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevD.95.114004


We calculate two- and three-body decays of the (lightest) vector glueball into
(pseudo)scalar, (axial-)vector, as well as pseudovector and excited vector
mesons in the framework of an effective model of QCD. While absolute values of widths cannot be predicted because the corresponding coupling constants are unknown, some interesting branching ratios can be evaluated by
setting the mass of the yet hypothetical vector glueball to 3.8 GeV as
predicted by quenched Lattice QCD. The vector glueball can be directly formed at the ongoing BESIII experiment as well as at the future PANDA experiment at the FAIR facility.

PRD 95, 11.4004 (2017)

Primary author

Ms Julia Sammet (Goethe University Frankfurt)


Prof. Francesco Giacosa (Institute of Physics, Jan Kochanowski University,) Dr Stanislaus Janowski (-)

Presentation materials