EuCARD-2 Workshop - "New polarimeter techniques for symmetry breaking experiments at accelerators"



Helmholtz-Institut Mainz Staudingerweg 18 55128 Mainz
Kurt Aulenbacher (Institut für Kernphysik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)

Parity violation and EDM searches at accelerators rely on the observation of polarisation-induced  effects. Accurate and effective polarimetry is of vital importance for their success. In many cases, a considerable  improvement with respect to the present state of the art is required.

The workshop will address  new concepts  as well as recently revived methods such as

- high precision measurements of polarisation at low energies by double scattering or optical methods

- polarimeters and generation methods for  positrons at low energies

- new trends for non invasive polarimeters at medium and high energies

- resonant polarimeters for EDM measurements and other purposes.

- high accuracy spin control for EDM measurements

- control of helicity correlated asymmetries

  • Florian Hug
  • Kurt Aulenbacher
  • Niklaus Berger
  • Thomas Beiser
  • Wolfgang Hillert
    • 2:00 PM 2:59 PM
      Wolfgang Hillert (DESY) -Resonant polarimetry: a new way to noninvasive fast measurement of beam polarization? 59m Conference room 1 (HIM)

      Conference room 1


    • 3:00 PM 3:59 PM
      Status and Perspective of the MESA polarimter chain 59m Conference room 1 (HIM)

      Conference room 1
