Tomas Ortin
The construction of supersymmetric solutions of gauged supergravities in N=2, d=4 and 5 dimensions is a very complicated, highly non-linear problem both in the Abelian and non-Abelian cases. In the N=2,d=5 Abelian case we have recently proposed a new Ansatz for the Kaehler base space that simplifies the problem and establishes a connection with the N=2,d=4 case, for cubic models [arXiv:1611.09383]. In the non-Abelian case we have characterized all the timelike supersymmetric solutions (arXiv:0806.1477, arXiv:1512.07131) and we have constructed, analytically, (multi) black-hole, black-ring and black-string solutions and also globally-regular monopoles and instanton solutions with non-trivial SU(2) fields. The fact that they are given in a fully analytic solution (unlike all the previous non-Abelian solutions known so far) allows us to study them in detail. We find that they exhibit glaring violations of the no-hair conjecture. We embed some of these solutions in 10-dimensional Heterotic string theory to identify their elementary brane constituents and compute their entropy (when there is a horizon) from a microscopic point of view.
A very important role in our constructions is played by the relation found by Kronheimer between monopoles in $R^3$ and instantons in 4-dimensional hyper-Kaehler spaces admitting the action of a U(1) group. We use it to construct multi-dyonic instanton solutions. We also find that singular monopoles, usually discarded, can be used in black-hole solutions since the singularities are covered or smoothed by the non-trivial geometry.
Primary author
Tomas Ortin
Pablo Cano
Patrick Meessen
(U. Oviedo)
Pedro F. Ramirez
Samuele Chimento