13–24 Mar 2017
Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University
Europe/Berlin timezone

The Next Theoretical Challenges for Gravitational-Wave Observations

23 Mar 2017, 09:00
1h 15m
02.430 (Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University)


Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University

Staudingerweg 9 / 2nd floor, 55128 Mainz


Alessandra Buonanno (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics)


One hundred years after Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves on the basis of his theory of General Relativity, LIGO announced the first observation of gravitational waves passing through the Earth emitted by the collision of two black holes one billion four-hundred million light years away. In this talk, I will first review the theoretical groundwork that allowed to identify and interpret the gravitational-wave signals, and carry out tests of general relativity in the strong-field, highly dynamical regime. I will then discuss the next theoretical challenges in solving the two-body problem in General Relativity if we want to take full advantage of the discovery potential of upcoming gravitational-wave observations.
Overview or Regular Talk? Overview: 75 min.

Primary author

Alessandra Buonanno (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics)

Presentation materials