25–29 Jan 2016
Bormio, Italy
Europe/Berlin timezone

Replacing hydrodynamic simulations with transport theory

25 Jan 2016, 09:45
Bormio, Italy

Bormio, Italy

Short Contribution Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics Monday Morning


Prof. Wolfgang Bauer (MSU)


Hydrodynamic simulations have been pillars of nuclear theory for several decades. Here we will show that we can construct transport theories that capture all of the hydro features in the limit of very short mean free path, but also are applicable for large mean free path scenarios, in which hydro fails. We will solve a series of standard hydrodynamics test cases and also who that we can simulate instabilities of the Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz types.


Hydrodynamic simulations have been pillars of nuclear theory for several
decades. Here we will show that we can construct transport theories that
capture all of the hydro features in the limit of very short mean free
path, but also are applicable for large mean free path scenarios, in which
hydro fails. We will solve a series of standard hydrodynamics test cases
and also who that we can simulate instabilities of the Rayleigh-Taylor and
Kelvin-Helmholtz types.

Primary author

Prof. Wolfgang Bauer (MSU)

Presentation materials