Jan 25 – 29, 2016
Bormio, Italy
Europe/Berlin timezone

Internal Target Experiments at the MESA accelerator

Jan 27, 2016, 5:00 PM
Bormio, Italy

Bormio, Italy

Short Contribution Hadron Physics Wednesday Afternoon


Dr Harald Merkel (Institut für Kernphysik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)


The Mainz Energy recovery Superconducting Accelerator (MESA) is currently under construction. The accelerator principle of an energy recovery linac will provide a high polarized electron beam with a beam current of up to 10mA with high polarization and an excellent beam quality at the same time, however at a modest end-point energy of around 100 MeV. The high internal current allows to use a low density gas target for high precision experiments. In this talk, the current design of the experimental setup for these experiments will be presented and possible experiments will be discussed.

Primary author

Dr Harald Merkel (Institut für Kernphysik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)

Presentation materials