25–29 Jan 2016
Bormio, Italy
Europe/Berlin timezone

study of the eta meson production with polarised proton beam

25 Jan 2016, 17:44
Bormio, Italy

Bormio, Italy

Poster Hadron Physics Monday Afternoon


Mrs Iryna Schätti-Ozerianska (Jagiellonian Univ)


The eta meson production process can be studied via measurements of the analyzing power, Ay, which may be understood as a measure of the relative deviation between the dierential cross section with and without polarized beam. Spin-dependent observables such as cross sections and analyzing powers have been determined only for a small number of excess energies and with very high statistical uncertainty. Therefore, measurements of the reaction ~pp ! pp was performed at the WASA-at-COSY detector in a xed-target experiment with beam momenta of 2026 MeV/c and 2188 MeV/c. These correspond to excess energies of 15 MeV and 72 MeV, respectively. The meson was identied by the techniques of missing mass and invariant mass. The invariant mass technique was mainly used to reduce background events, while the missing mass technique provided accurate kinematics of the meson. The experimental angular distribution of the analyzing power will be compared to the theoretical predictions and they will be interpreted in view of the contribution of higher partial waves. 1

Primary author

Mrs Iryna Schätti-Ozerianska (Jagiellonian Univ)

Presentation materials