The discovery of a Higgs Boson in 2012 completed the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. Being a renormalizable theory, the SM can be valid up to extremely high energies, well above those that are achievable at current (and perhaps even future) colliders. This fact together with the absence of direct signals of physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM) at the LHC may imply that searches for new particles and interactions at the existing facilities have to be performed indirectly and rely on achieving high theoretical control over SM predictions, so that even small deviations between measurements and predictions can be exploited with confidence.
The aim of this scientific program is to exchange ideas on how to facilitate a successful precision-based research program at the LHC and beyond. We plan to bring together experts in precision QCD and electroweak physics, B-physics and model building for BSM physics. We will discuss recent developments in precision collider and flavour theory, consider the connection between new ideas in BSM physics with precision physics at the LHC, identify measurements, computations and novel methods that have the potential to strongly impact indirect searches for New Physics at the LHC and explore implications of non-trivial flavour symmetries for hadron-collider physics.
Registration will close on 8 June 2025.