In students' conference I want to introduce the discussion on the HEP's yet unsolved problem of possible CPT violation and baryon asymmetry of the universe (BAU), on which I was trying to work with Associate Prof. Merab Gogberashvili for my Bachelor's degree. After Anderson's discovery of the positron, the problem was obvious: for some unknown reasons the observable universe is matter dominated. In the expanding universe without some disturbances in baryon-antibaryon ratio soon after the Big Bang, both matter and antimatter would have been annihilated and I would not have been typing this. One of the several competing models is baryogenesis, which requires the fulfillment of Sakharov's conditions, but we do not have relevant results in the Standard Model. Another way to explain the observed value of BAU is matter-antimatter mass difference in the early universe, which is accompanied to possible CPT violation and it can happen in FRW spaces. Therefore, the key may lie in the strong gravitational fields at the early stages of the Universe expansion. Alternatively, the fact that CP violation treats particles and antiparticles unequally may be responsible for the mentioned dominance.