ECS Lightning talk
Semi-visible jets (SVJs) arise in strongly-interacting dark matter scenarios. Fol- lowing a recent publication on leptons in SVJs [1], we have looked at a simpler model of generating Dark Photons in SVJs with leptons. We used the Pythia Hidden Valley module to generate a Z’ mediator that de- cays to two dark quarks. These then decay to a neutral dark sector pion that decays into a strange quark and a charged dark pion. The charged dark pion decays into a stable dark hadron and a dark photon, which produces a lepton pair. This results in leptons cloaked by the SVJ. We look at some basic kinematic variables to see if we can reconstruct the invariant mass of the mediator.
[1] Cesare Cazzaniga and Annapaola de Cosa. Leptons lurking in semi-visible jets at the LHC. The European Physical Journal C, 82(9), Sep 2022.