Scientific Scope

This workshop aims to foster collaboration between the experimental and theory community dedicated towards developing and understanding the strongly interacting dark sector. The workshop will feature talks from the leading experts in the field, and extensive discussion sessions, to understand the current status of the dark showering module within Monte Carlo generators like Pythia and Herwig, as well as establishing a set of realistic benchmark models that will drive future search strategies. 

Each workshop day will focus on a particular topic and will be split into 3 sessions with breaks in between each session. The first session will consist of 2-3 overview talks by experts in each sub-topic, followed by a open guided discussion session focussing on the open questions in that topic. The day will conclude with dedicated lightning talks by ECRs working on that topic.

Day1: Dark showers: Theory and Generator perspective

Day2: Dark showers: Experimental perspective (Run-2 results, lessons learnt, tools/analysis techniques developed)

Day3: Dark showers: Reinterpretability/reproducability of experimental results, and new final-state signatures

Day4: Conclusions from each dedicated workshop day, and way forward.


Please find the link to a live google doc here:

This will be used as rolling minutes after each talk and will also be used to guide the open discussion sessions that are planned at the end of each day. Please feel free to add discussion points at the bottom of the google doc if you want something to be raised during the open mic sessions. At the end of the workshop, we plan to have a Workshop summary report, which will then be uploaded on Zenodo. If you are interested in helping with even a small subset of the summary report, please reach out to the organiser. Any help will be appreciated!