26–30 Jan 2015
Bormio, Italy
Europe/Berlin timezone

From neutron-rich nuclei to matter in astrophysics

27 Jan 2015, 09:00
Bormio, Italy

Bormio, Italy

Overview Talk Tuesday Morning


Prof. Achim Schwenk (TU-Darmstadt)


I will present results for the properties of neutron-rich nuclei from the oxygen to calcium isotopes based on two- and three-nucleon interactions, fit only to few-body systems and including estimates of the theoretical uncertainties. The same two- and three-nucleon interactions predict the properties of neutron-rich matter in astrophysical environments. I will discuss results for the equation of state, the properties of neutron stars, and for connections with the physics of neutron-rich nuclei.

Primary author

Prof. Achim Schwenk (TU-Darmstadt)

Presentation materials