Anna Skachkova
(PhD research fellow)
The modeling of direct photons production in collisions of antiproton beam with the proton target "p pbar --> gamma + X" is done for the beam energy E_{beam} = 15 GeV using the simulation with PYTHIA6.4 generator and PandaRoot package. Our modeling is performed using two subprocesses: a) quark-antiquark annihilation into a photon and a gluon and b) of gluon-quark scattering leading to a photon emission.
The big potential of these processes for study of proton structure functions, especially the gluon contribution, at the region of the low Q^2 which is not yet studied, is shown.
The distributions of the set of kinematic variables which are useful to get the information about proton structure in the available kinematic region are performed. The background contributions of fake photons in signal events, which can appear from decays of produced hadrons, as well as contribution caused by the background minimum-bias events and other QCD processes, are estimated. The set of cuts which
can be useful for separation of signal events containing the direct photons from background ones is proposed.
Primary author
Anna Skachkova
(PhD research fellow)