Luciano Moretto
(UCB and LBNL)
The log-lin dependence of the hadronic density of states with mass is known as the Hagedorn. A similar dependence is observed, at energies a factor of one thousand lower,in most atomic nuclei. The latter behavior is due to a 1st order phase transition from a superfluid to an ideal gas of quasi particles. This transition is consistent with the BCS Hamiltonian treated within a microcanonical framework. Gap and gapless superfluidity is beautifully demonstrated in even even and odd A nuclei respectively.
An extensive thermodynamical analysis of these systems will be presented.
This Litte Hagedorn , so clearly identified experimentally, can offer some lessons to its big brother, the Hagedorn. The log-linear dependence of the hadronic spectrum is a textbook evidence of a 1st order phase transition. But, what are the two phases? What are the quasi particles created by the excitation, and how much entropy per quasi particle do they carry? Possible answers to this questions may be found in the difference between nucleonic and mesonic spectra.
Primary author
Luciano Moretto
(UCB and LBNL)