The determination of the proton charge radius has so far been the domain of low energy experiments. The radius has been extracted from either elastic electron scattering or through line shifts measured by atomic laser spectroscopy.
With the persistent mismatch of experimental results originating from various techniques and experiments, new probes have been advertised. The AMBER experiment at CERN is set to study elastic muon proton scattering at very high energies.
This offers very different scattering kinematics, and such a measurement can charm through small distortions owing to both multiple scattering and radiative corrections.
High energy particle beams, however, can also be used to access the charge radius of unstable particles. The scattering of kaons and pions on electrons follows inverse kinematics and the sensitivity to the charge distributions is limited by the beam energy. With a modern spectrometer we can much improve on previous measurements.
We will discuss the different measurement strategies and also project to a possible experiment with high energy protons.