Dec 13 – 15, 2021
Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University
Europe/Berlin timezone

Scientific Program

Scientific scope and program

The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers with expertise in supergravity models, geometric approaches to theories of gravity and holography techniques, to explore in detail (and, possibly, overcome) the frontiers of the gauge/gravity duality and its applications under the gravitational perspective, in a fruitful collaborative environment.

We schedule two talks per day, for three consecutive days, each with a final one-hour discussion session. Each talk will last one hour (55 minutes + 5 minutes of questions).

The discussion sessions will allow participants to estabilish concrete future lines of work and collaborations.

The timetable for each day is the following (CET time):

Talk Break Talk Break Discussion
15:00 - 16:00 16:00 - 16:10 16:10 - 17:10 17:10 - 17:30

17:30 - 18:30


On Monday 13 December there will also be a Welcome Greeting by MITP Directors at 14:50, then we will start with the first talk at 15:00.

  • The first day will be devoted to unconventional supersymmetry and its relation with AdS4 supergravity, in the direction of applications within the holographic setup.
  • The second day will be focused on teleparallel Chern-Simons supergravity and its non-relativistic limit and on the integral forms formalism for supergravity in superspace.
  • The third day will cover conformal renormalization in AdS gravity and recent developments on black hole solutions with unbroken supersymmetries in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet supergravity.

Target group

The workshop is targeted to both young and senior researchers in the field of high energy physics, and in particular in the research areas of supergravity and holography.

Benefits for participants

The possibility of connecting and discussing with other fellow colleagues is a vital aspect of research, endangered by the current pandemic. This workshop will be of international reach, bringing together supergravity and holography experts from various universities all over the world. It will be an opportunity to strengthen and consolidate the mutual experience in the research fields that will be addressed, offering an environment open to collaboration since day one.

The program we have planned will allow the participants to learn, work, and discuss on frontier topics and methodologies in high energy physics, especially regarding supergravity and holography.

We have made our goal to organize a workshop where equal opportunities and gender balance are strongly promoted.

We encourage women researchers and minority scientists to participate.