Jan 23 – 27, 2023
Bormio, Italy
Europe/Berlin timezone

Fron neutron stars to medical Imaging

Jan 27, 2023, 6:00 PM
Bormio, Italy

Bormio, Italy

Short Contribution Friday Afternoon


Dr Franco Garibaldi (INFN (Roma))


The hyperon puzzle, the observation that the two-solar-mass neutron stars existence is hardly explained by all models predicting the appearance of hyperons in the neutron star core is currently one of the unsolved key issues in the physics of compact stars. An experimental study of the reaction (e, e’K) on 208Pb 40 has been proposed by the Jefferson lab hypernuclear collaboration, and approved by the Jefferson Lab (JLab) PAC. The study of 208Pb with the (e,e'K+) reaction will provide a better binding energy resolution than that of the experiments performed so far with hadronic probes and thus a more detailed understanding of baryon behavior deep inside of the nucleus, providing important information for studying the Λ single-particle nature under high nucleon density. 208Pb is the ideal target to study hyperons in a medium closely resembling neutron star matter. This environment is best suited to the investigate the effects of three body forces involving hyperons which increase the stiffness of the nuclear matter equation of state, thus allowing for the existence of massive neutron stars compatible with the observational constraints. This experiment as well as the impact of the nuclear/hadronic physics on Medical Imaging techniques, so to human healthcare, both from technical and conceptual point of view will be described. Examples on advanced devices for the diagnosis of breast and prostate cancer will be outlined.

Topic Hadron Physics

Primary author

Dr Franco Garibaldi (INFN (Roma))

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