Jan 23 – 27, 2023
Bormio, Italy
Europe/Berlin timezone

The PUMA experiment: motivation, objectives and current status the apparatus

Jan 24, 2023, 5:30 PM
Bormio, Italy

Bormio, Italy

Short Contribution Tuesday Afternoon


Clara Klink (TU Darmstadt/CERN)


The antiProton Unstable Matter Annihilation (PUMA) experiment at CERN aims at using antiprotons to probe the nucleonic composition of the nuclear-density tail in stable and exotic nuclei. Antiprotons annihilate with nucleons: the summed electric charge of the annihilation products will reveal the neutron-to-proton content of the nucleus' surface. This allows to investigate quantum phenomena like halos and neutron skins. PUMA is currently being built. In the proposed poster, the motivation and the objectives of PUMA will be detailed. Additionally, an overview of the current status of the installation of PUMA at the AD facility of CERN and of the main components of the apparatus itself will be given.

Topic Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics

Primary author

Clara Klink (TU Darmstadt/CERN)


Mr Alexander Schmidt (TU Darmstadt) Prof. Alexandre Obertelli (TU Darmstadt/CERN) Mrs Christina Xanthopoulou Mr Frank Wienholtz (TU Darmstadt) Mr Moritz Schlaich (TU Darmstadt) Mrs Sabrina Zacarias (TU Darmstadt)

Presentation materials