Sep 15 – 17, 2015
Caravelle Hotel im Park
Europe/Berlin timezone

Program Description

The school focuses on the status of research in the fields of

  • Higgs Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
  • Effective Field Theories
  • Collider Physics and Jets
  • Lattice QCD
  • Quantum Simulations
  • Scattering Amplitudes


Our program starts on Monday, Sept. 1st at 8:45 and ends on Friday, Sept. 5th after lunch.

Monday through Friday morning, on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoon we will have lectures, or parallel sessions by our PhD students on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.
Also, we will go on an excursion to explore the lovely Chiemgau region on Wednesday afternoon.

Registration Deadline: June 15th, 2014
Conference Fee  (includes full board, lodging, one excursion,  conference dinner): 600 EUR 
Payment deadline: July 15, 2014 
later payments:          680 EUR

Please use the registration form!