Jan 21 – 25, 2019
Bormio, Italy
Europe/Berlin timezone

Local equilibration of fermions and bosons

Jan 24, 2019, 5:40 PM
Bormio, Italy

Bormio, Italy

Short Contribution Thursday Afternoon Session


Prof. Georg Wolschin (U Heidelberg)


It is proposed to model the local kinetic equilibration in finite systems of fermions and bosons based on a nonlinear diffusion equation [1,2]. It properly accounts for their quantum-statistical characteristics, and is solved exactly. The solution is suited to replace the linear relaxation ansatz that has often been used in the literature. The microscopic transport coefficients are determined through the macroscopic variables temperature and local equilibration time. The model can be applied to high energies typical for relativistic particle collisions, and to low energies appropriate for cold quantum gases. With initial conditions that are appropriate for quarks [1] and gluons [2] in a relativistic heavy-ion collision such as Au-Au or Pb-Pb at energies reached at RHIC or LHC, the analytical solution is derived. It agrees with the numerical solution of the nonlinear equation. The analytical expression  for the gluonic local equilibration time in the thermal tail is compared to the corresponding case for fermions, where Pauli’s principle delays the thermalisation. Due to the nonlinearity of the basic equation, sharp edges of the initial distributions are continously smeared out and local equilibrium with a thermal tail in the ultraviolett region is rapidly attained [2]. [1] G. Wolschin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 48, 1004 (1982); T. Bartsch, G. Wolschin, Annals Phys., in press, and arXiv:1806.04044 (2018). [2] G. Wolschin, Physica A 499,1 (2018); Europhys. Lett. 123, 20009 (2018).


It is proposed to model the local kinetic equilibration in finite systems of
fermions and bosons based on a nonlinear diffusion equation, which properly accounts
for their quantum-statistical characteristics. In particular, it has the proper
Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein equilibrium limits, and is solved exactly. The solution
is suited to replace the linear relaxation ansatz that has often been used in the literature.

Primary author

Prof. Georg Wolschin (U Heidelberg)

Presentation materials